Saturday, September 19, 2009

My Processor's Point Of View

Ang Dipolognon
A Weekly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Dipolog
Issue No. 4, Sept. 23, 2009

"Success… What, Where, When and Who… but HOW?"

Life as we all know has its own way of telling us that it has all the reasons one needs to be happy. When can we say we are happy? And when can we say we had lived our life to the fullest? You, me or them has their own way or story in answering the question. One thing for sure that in every stories we had, in every experiences and undertakings we took into our lives, we sure had lived a life.

Success has always been a word so smooth and relieving to hear, even more the word that everybody craves to have. Success comes in many ways and styles; it’s not just all about the money or wealth, achievements and honors doesn’t even paint the whole picture. Success is equated to the word blessed. When we succeed in everything that we do, we always thought that we are blessed.

What if we stumble, what if we fall? Isn’t it a blessing also? In our lives it is not always success. As other says, you need to experience failure (stumble and fall) to learn. Success doesn’t come in golden plate, but for some yes, it comes in a golden plate.

Let me share this success story of Bill Gates written by Ravi Kumar Paluri published way back 2004.

“Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955 in a family having rich business, political and community service background. His great-grandfather was a state legislator and a mayor, his grandfather was vice president of national bank and his father was a lawyer.

Bill strongly believes in hard work. He believes that if you are intelligent and know how to apply your intelligence, you can achieve anything. From childhood Bill was ambitious, intelligent and competitive. These qualities helped him to attain top position in the profession he chose. In school, he had an excellent record in mathematics and science. Still he was getting very bored in school and his parents knew it, so they always tried to feed him with more information to keep him busy. Bill’s parents came to know their son's intelligence and decided to enrol him in a private school, known for its intense academic environment. It was a very important decision in Bill Gate's life where he was first introduced to a computer. Bill Gates and his friends were very much interested in computer and formed "Programmers Group" in late 1968. Being in this group, they found a new way to apply their computer skill in university of Washington. In the next year, they got their first opportunity in Information Sciences Inc. in which they were selected as programmers. ISI (Information Sciences Inc.) agreed to give them royalties whenever it made money from any of the group’s program. As a result of the business deal signed with Information Sciences Inc., the group also became a legal business.

Bill Gates and his close friend Allen started new company of their own, Traf-O-Data. They developed a small computer to measure traffic flow. From this project they earned around $20,000. The era of Traf-O-Data came to an end when Gates left the college. In 1973, he left home for Harvard University. He didn’t know what to do, so he enrolled his name for pre-law. He took the standard freshman courses with the exception of signing up for one of Harvard's toughest mathematics courses. He did well over there, but he couldn’t find it interesting too. He spent many long nights in front of the school's computer and the next day asleep in class. After leaving school, he almost lost himself from the world of computers. Gates and his friend Paul Allen remained in close contact even though they were away from school. They would often discuss new ideas for future projects and the possibility of starting a business one fine day. At the end of Bill's first year, Allen came close to him so that they could follow some of their ideas. That summer they got job in Honeywell. Allen kept on pushing Bill for opening a new software company.

Within a year, Bill Gates dropped out from Harvard. Then he formed Microsoft. Microsoft's vision is "A computer on every desk and Microsoft software on every computer". Bill is a visionary person and works very hard to achieve his vision. His belief in high intelligence and hard work has put him where he is today. He does not believe in mere luck or God’s grace, but just hard work and competitiveness. Bill’s Microsoft is good competition for other software companies and he will continue to stomp out the competition until he dies. He likes to play the game of Risk and the game of world domination. His beliefs are so powerful, which have helped him increase his wealth and his monopoly in the industry.

Bill Gates is not a greedy person. In fact, he is quite giving person when it comes to computers, internet and any kind of funding. Some years back, he visited Chicago's Einstein Elementary School and announced grants benefiting Chicago's schools and museums where he donated a total of $110,000, a bunch of computers, and provided internet connectivity to number of schools. Secondly, Bill Gates donated 38 million dollars for the building of a computer institute at Stanford University. Gates plans to give away 95% of all his earnings when he is old and gray”.

At present, Bill gates donated Millions of Dollars to the Rotary Foundation to help eradicate polio worldwide. He is an honorary member of the Rotary Club of Seattle.

Friday, September 11, 2009

My Processor's Point of View

Ang Dipolognon
The Rotary Club of Dipolog Weekly Bulletin
Issue No. 3, September 16, 2009

“In pursuit of the life we dream…”

Is there a way we could alter destiny just to achieve the life we ever wanted? What are the ways or little ways that we could say or feel that in some ways by doing it or by having it, we did or almost had the life we dream?

In pursuit of the life we dream, we took this journey hoping to achieve successful living. The focus should be on what is exactly that we want and then setting ourselves on course for going and getting it. It is very important to know what we want in our life and how we pursue in getting it.

There is another aspect of achieving the life you dreamed of. It seems to be actually counter-productive to getting the life you want, yet it is imperative to a successful life. It is giving.

Giving of yourself, your time, your money, your energy is something that takes us from simply being successful people in a traditional sense and to being people who lead successful lives.

Giving is what makes us fully human. It is the essence of what we are, people who are here on earth together, not simply people who hope to clamor to the top of the pile in the survival of the fittest. Yes, pursue your life and your success with wild abandon; be responsible for yourself and take ownership of your life, realizing that you cannot be responsible for others, but also allow yourself to become a giving person.

Giving is also what allows us to accomplish things far beyond ourselves; and that is part of what living the life of our dreams is all about, right? Accomplishing great things through ourselves – and others!

My Processor's Point of View

Ang Dipolognon
The Rotary Club of Dipolog Weekly Bulletin
Issue No. 2, September 9, 2009

“The door of opportunity…”

All throughout my life I always hear this line: “The door of opportunity only open ones”… I wonder what it means, I wonder why there is a door and I wonder why there is only one.

I want to share these words from Chris Widener, a motivational speaker and an author, “Those who succeed are those who walk through the door of opportunity when it swings open. That we know. But what is the secret to getting through the door of opportunity?”

Being outside the door when it swings open.

As the story goes, Frank Sinatra got his big break while working as a waiter. One day, as he was waiting tables, who does he see sitting in the restaurant, but one of the biggest names in the music industry? Old Blue Eyes did the unbelievable: He cleared off a table next to the gentleman and got up on it and sang! He knew he was done at the restaurant for doing so, but how many times would this door of opportunity open up? Needless to say, the rest is history.

You see, you never know when the door of opportunity is going to open wide. For some, the big break comes early in life and for others later on. But for all of those who become successful, there is one key similarity: They were ready. And for every one of those who were ready, there were thousands more who weren’t.

So, the principle for us is: Be ready!

Are you ready? Here are some thoughts for you to consider.

Are your skills as sharp as they could be? Are they enough so when your shot comes you can perform?

Is your character deep enough to handle success? Let’s face it; you don’t want big success if your character won’t be able to handle it.

Are you working hard to position yourself now? The job to do while waiting for the door to open is to develop your skills and your character, so as to position yourself to get through that door before it closes.
Your door will open someday. It opens for everyone. It may only open once or it may open many times. It is different for everyone and life just isn’t fair that way. But everybody gets a shot. Will you be ready?

My life, my everything...

Don't grow up so fast anak 😂