Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Today is my birthday. Why do I feel so sad?

Today I made 28 something. I am so sad. "Not because of my age because with age comes wisdom" but because it was just another day. Nobody made me feel special today. I needed to write my feelings out and really did not have a question but I know I have to ask one so, here goes. How many people have felt this way on their birthday? (got this from a post 6 months ago... just thought i felt the same way...)

Mine is worst, for the past 2 years, i've been celebrating my birthday away from home... i almost forgot how it was having a birthday party at home with friends and love ones...

Happy Birthday to myself....


Erlyn said...

Belated Happy Birthday :) have I known I will greet you hehehe
ana lang gyud usahay, we look for fireworks and falling stars to make our birthday special. but come to think of it, the fact that you are present and breathing in your birthday, that is special. you are the one that makes the day special :)

Harvs said...

hehehehe thanks :)

My life, my everything...

Don't grow up so fast anak 😂