Monday, August 31, 2009

My Processor's Point of View

Ang Dipolognon
The Rotary Club of Dipolog Weekly Bulletin
Issue No. 1, September 2, 2009

“The road less travelled…”

As we travel our life’s journey, we oftentimes encounter challenges. There is no easy way in this travel, but most of us usually take the road most travelled. A road well constructed, runs under many acacia trees that protects passers-by from heat of the sun. There are lots of fancy restaurants on its sides, lots of beautiful scenes as you travel along. Even sometimes there is a cart ready to serve you so that you may not enervate your feet through the course of the journey. Wow, how I wish my life’s journey was on this road.

There are always two roads in life and you can never travel them both at the same time. We need to choose between these roads. Ones you start your journey, there is no looking back. There is no rewind or reply. There’s no redo and undo. There is no “save as” and no restore point. There is no adobe Photoshop in our life’s journey.

I have travelled my life for almost 29 years already and I chose the road less travelled. On that road, I learn how to be humble, how to share, how to be contented of what is has to offer. I have learnt to get something out of those almost nothing. I hardly see trees that shade me from the heat of the sun. I never had a chance to ride a cart to keep my feet from getting weary. I have to write my goals in flat surfaces perhaps on stones, I never had a chance to use inks in drawing out my plans.

I tried to take a pause and compare both roads; I then realize that whatever road you have chosen, whatever road you have taken, in the end, everybody gets tired and in the next morning, everybody gets to see the sunrise. After all, this is the reason why we are here; to live the life HE has given us. It is up to us which road we take. The road most travelled? Or the road less travelled?

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My life, my everything...

Don't grow up so fast anak 😂